Common Mistakes in the Development of AI Assistants

How AI assistants are often developed for companies, why they fail and what we can learn from them.

The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise in the development of AI assistants.
(Henry David Thoreau ChatGPT)

How fortunate that people make mistakes: because we can learn from them and improve. We have closely observed how companies around the world have implemented AI assistants in recent months and have, unfortunately, often seen them fail. We would like to share with you how these failures occurred and what can be learned from them for future projects: So that AI assistants can be implemented more successfully in the future!

How AI assistants have been developed in companies so far

A Story in 5 acts: Pitfalls in AI assistant development

What were the pitfalls that caused the team to fail?

At this point, we have good news: The mistakes that many teams make when developing AI assistants, as described here, can be traced back to three frequently incorrect assumptions:

3 common, incorrect assumptions in AI assistant development

False Assumption 1

"Publicly available materials and articles tell the full truth about how cutting-edge AI systems actually work in business."

False Assumption 2

"If we break our documents into small pieces and then insert them into a vector database, the AI will be able to create meaning from them as if by magic."

False Assumption 3

"We need to build an all-powerful AI assistant with complex architecture to bring real value to the business."

What concrete measures can be derived to successfully implement AI assistants?

Discover our tried-and-tested tips & tricks to help you avoid common pitfalls during implementation and build good AI assistants for companies cost-effectively.

Would you like to use KI Assistants in your company?

Then we look forward to hearing from you.

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Martin Warnung

Jörg EgretzbergerJörg EgretzbergerBlog

8 tips for developing AI assistants

AI assistants for businesses are hype, and many teams were already eagerly and enthusiastically working on their implementation. Unfortunately, however, we have seen that many teams we have observed in Europe and the US have failed at the task. Read about our 8 most valuable tips, so that you will succeed.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Let's build an Enterprise AI Assistant

In the previous blog post we have talked about basic principles of building AI assistants. Let’s take them for a spin with a product case that we’ve worked on: using AI to support enterprise sales pipelines.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

So You are Building an AI Assistant?

So you are building an AI assistant for the business? This is a popular topic in the companies these days. Everybody seems to be doing that. While running AI Research in the last months, I have discovered that many companies in the USA and Europe are building some sort of AI assistant these days, mostly around enterprise workflow automation and knowledge bases. There are common patterns in how such projects work most of the time. So let me tell you a story...

Headerbild zu IBM Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant

Watson Assistant identifies intention in requests that can be received via multiple channels. Watson Assistant is trained based on real-live requests and can understand the context and intent of the query based on the acting AI. Extensive search queries are routed to Watson Discovery and seamlessly embedded into the search result.

Navigationsbild zu Data Science

AI & Data Science

The amount of data that companies produce and process every day is constantly growing. This data contains valuable information about customers, markets, business processes and much more. But how can companies use this data effectively to make better decisions, improve their products and services and tap into new business opportunities?


ChatGPT & Co: LLM Benchmarks for September

Find out which large language models outperformed in the September 2024 benchmarks. Stay informed on the latest AI developments and performance metrics.


Responsible AI: A Guide to Ethical AI Development

Responsible AI is a key requirement in the development and use of AI technologies. You can find everything you need to know here!

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Open-sourcing 4 solutions from the Enterprise RAG Challenge

Our RAG competition is a friendly challenge different AI Assistants competed in answering questions based on the annual reports of public companies.


Google Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence at Google scale for you and your business!

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

The Intersection of AI and Voice Manipulation

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in text-to-speech (TTS) technologies has revolutionized the way we interact with written content. Natural Readers, standing at the forefront of this innovation, offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of needs, from personal leisure to educational support and commercial use. As we delve into the capabilities of Natural Readers, it's crucial to explore both the advantages it brings to the table and the ethical considerations surrounding voice manipulation in TTS technologies.

Headerbild GenAI Consulting

GenAI Consulting

ChatGPT, Bard & Co. have shown at the latest: Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the world of work. With GenAI Consulting, we support you in exploiting this potential for your company.


TIMETOACT starts with the implementation of ESG-Suit

Compliance with ESG and sustainability standards is mandatory for companies in order to meet the requirements of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).


Standardized data management creates basis for reporting

TIMETOACT implements a higher-level data model in a data warehouse for TRUMPF Photonic Components and provides the necessary data integration connection with Talend. With this standardized data management, TRUMPF will receive reports based on reliable data in the future and can also transfer the model to other departments.


AI - A technology is revolutionizing our everyday lives

For ARS, AI is an increasingly natural and organic part of software engineering. This is particularly true in cases where it is an integral part of applications and functions.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 1: Data Analysis with ChatGPT

In this new blog series we will give you an overview of how to analyze and visualize data, create code manually and how to make ChatGPT work effectively. Part 1 deals with the following: In the data-driven era, businesses and organizations are constantly seeking ways to extract meaningful insights from their data. One powerful tool that can facilitate this process is ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. In Part 1 pf this blog, we'll explore the proper usage of data analysis with ChatGPT and how it can help you make the most of your data.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Strategic Impact of Large Language Models

This blog discusses the rapid advancements in large language models, particularly highlighting the impact of OpenAI's GPT models.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 4: Save Time and Analyze the Database File

ChatGPT-4 enables you to analyze database contents with just two simple steps (copy and paste), facilitating well-informed decision-making.


TIMETOACT starts with the implementation of ESG-Suit

Compliance with ESG and sustainability standards is mandatory for companies in order to meet the requirements of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Nina DemuthBlog

They promised it would be the next big thing!

Haven’t we all been there? We have all been promised by teachers, colleagues or public speakers that this or that was about to be the next big thing in tech that would change the world as we know it.

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

For a quick start in certain use cases, specifically for certain business areas or industries, IBM offers so-called accelerators based on the "Cloud Pak for Data" solution, which serve as a template for project development and can thus significantly accelerate the implementation of these use cases. The platform itself provides all the necessary functions for all types of analytics projects, and the accelerators provide the respective content.

Nina DemuthBlog

From the idea to the product: The genesis of Skwill

We strongly believe in the benefits of continuous learning at work; this has led us to developing products that we also enjoy using ourselves. Meet Skwill.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

5 Inconvenient Questions when hiring an AI company

This article discusses five questions you should ask when buying an AI. These questions are inconvenient for providers of AI products, but they are necessary to ensure that you are getting the best product for your needs. The article also discusses the importance of testing the AI system on your own data to see how it performs.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

LLM Performance Series: Batching

Beginning with the September Trustbit LLM Benchmarks, we are now giving particular focus to a range of enterprise workloads. These encompass the kinds of tasks associated with Large Language Models that are frequently encountered in the context of large-scale business digitalization.

Felix KrauseBlog

License Plate Detection for Precise Car Distance Estimation

When it comes to advanced driver-assistance systems or self-driving cars, one needs to find a way of estimating the distance to other vehicles on the road.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 3: How to Analyze a Database File with GPT-3.5

In this blog, we'll explore the proper usage of data analysis with ChatGPT and how you can analyze and visualize data from a SQLite database to help you make the most of your data.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Using NLP libraries for post-processing

Learn how to analyse sticky notes in miro from event stormings and how this analysis can be carried out with the help of the spaCy library.

Sebastian BelczykBlog

Building A Shell Application for Micro Frontends | Part 4

We already have a design system, several micro frontends consuming this design system, and now we need a shell application that imports micro frontends and displays them.

Christian FolieBlog

The Power of Event Sourcing

This is how we used Event Sourcing to maintain flexibility, handle changes, and ensure efficient error resolution in application development.

Headerbild zu Cloud Pak for Data – Test-Drive

IBM Cloud Pak for Data – Test-Drive

By making our comprehensive demo and customer data platform available, we want to offer these customers a way to get a very quick and pragmatic impression of the technology with their data.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Database Analysis Report

This report comprehensively analyzes the auto parts sales database. The primary focus is understanding sales trends, identifying high-performing products, Analyzing the most profitable products for the upcoming quarter, and evaluating inventory management efficiency.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.


Flexibility in the data evaluation of a theme park

With the support of TIMETOACT, an theme park in Germany has been using TM1 for many years in different areas of the company to carry out reporting, analysis and planning processes easily and flexibly.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.


AI Workshops for Companies

Whether it's the basics of AI, prompt engineering, or potential scouting: our diverse AI workshop offerings provide the right content for every need.

Headerbild zu IBM Watson Discovery

IBM Watson Discovery

With Watson Discovery, company data is searched using modern AI to extract information. On the one hand, the AI uses already trained methods to understand texts; on the other hand, it is constantly developed through new training on the company data, its structure and content, thus constantly improving the search results.

Nina DemuthBlog

7 Positive effects of visualizing the interests of your team

Interests maps unleash hidden potentials and interests, but they also make it clear which topics are not of interest to your colleagues.

Headerbild zu IBM Watson Knowledge Studio

IBM Watson Knowledge Studio

In IBM Watson Knowledge Studio, you train an Artificial Intelligence (AI) on specialist terms of your company or specialist area ("domain knowledge"). In this way, you lay the foundation for automated text processing of extensive, subject-related documents.


Graph Technology

We help you harness the power of graphs to transform your business. Our expertise spans from graph database modelling and graph data science to generative AI.

Matus ZilinskyBlog

Creating a Social Media Posts Generator Website with ChatGPT

Using the GPT-3-turbo and DALL-E models in Node.js to create a social post generator for a fictional product can be really helpful. The author uses ChatGPT to create an API that utilizes the openai library for Node.js., a Vue component with an input for the title and message of the post. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the project and includes links to the code repository.

Laura GaetanoBlog

Using a Skill/Will matrix for personal career development

Discover how a Skill/Will Matrix helps employees identify strengths and areas for growth, boosting personal and professional development.

Headerbild für lokale Entwicklerressourcen in Deutschland

On-site digitization partner for insurance companies

As TIMETOACT GROUP, we are one of the leading digitization partners for IT solutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As your partner, we are there for you at 17 locations and will find the right solution on the path to digitization - gladly together in a personal exchange on site.


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture: from the development of new data sources, to exploratory analysis to gain new insights, to predictive models.


Automated Planning of Transport Routes

Efficient transport route planning through automation and seamless integration.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Machine Learning Pipelines

In this first part, we explain the basics of machine learning pipelines and showcase what they could look like in simple form. Learn about the differences between software development and machine learning as well as which common problems you can tackle with them.

Headerbild zu Digitale Transformation bei Versicherern

Mastering digital transformation in insurance

Versicherer haben daher bereits die Chancen und Notwendigkeiten der Digitalisierung größtenteils erkannt. Trotzdem ist noch viel zu tun, denn Digitalisierung funktioniert nicht von einem Tag auf den anderen – besonders bei Versicherungen, bei denen es viele altmodische und langsame Prozesse gibt.

Laura GaetanoBlog

5 lessons from running a (remote) design systems book club

Last year I gifted a design systems book I had been reading to a friend and she suggested starting a mini book club so that she’d have some accountability to finish reading the book. I took her up on the offer and so in late spring, our design systems book club was born. But how can you make the meetings fun and engaging even though you're physically separated? Here are a couple of things I learned from running my very first remote book club with my friend!


Artificial Intelligence in Treasury Management

Optimize treasury processes with AI: automated reports, forecasts, and risk management.


Managed service support for optimal license management

To ensure software compliance, TIMETOACT supports FUNKE Mediengruppe with a SAM Managed Service for Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle and IBM.


Interactive online portal identifies suitable employees

TIMETOACT digitizes several test procedures for KI.TEST to determine professional intelligence and personality.


My Workflows During the Quarantine

The current situation has deeply affected our daily lives. However, in retrospect, it had a surprisingly small impact on how we get work done at TIMETOACT GROUP Austria.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 2: Data Analysis with powerful Python

Analyzing and visualizing data from a SQLite database in Python can be a powerful way to gain insights and present your findings. In Part 2 of this blog series, we will walk you through the steps to retrieve data from a SQLite database file named gold.db and display it in the form of a chart using Python. We'll use some essential tools and libraries for this task.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Ways of Creating Single Case Discriminated Unions in F#

There are quite a few ways of creating single case discriminated unions in F# and this makes them popular for wrapping primitives. In this post, I will go through a number of the approaches that I have seen.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

State of Fast Feedback in Data Science Projects

DSML projects can be quite different from the software projects: a lot of R&D in a rapidly evolving landscape, working with data, distributions and probabilities instead of code. However, there is one thing in common: iterative development process matters a lot.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Part 1: TIMETOACT Logistics Hackathon - Behind the Scenes

A look behind the scenes of our Hackathon on Sustainable Logistic Simulation in May 2022. This was a hybrid event, running on-site in Vienna and remotely. Participants from 12 countries developed smart agents to control cargo delivery truck fleets in a simulated Europe.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Inbox helps to clear the mind

I hate distractions. They can easily ruin my day when I'm in the middle of working on a cool project. They do that by overloading my mind, buzzing around inside me, and just making me tired. Even though we can think about several things at once, we can only do one thing at a time.

Daniel WellerBlog

Revolutionizing the Logistics Industry

As the logistics industry becomes increasingly complex, businesses need innovative solutions to manage the challenges of supply chain management, trucking, and delivery. With competitors investing in cutting-edge research and development, it is vital for companies to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the latest technologies to remain competitive. That is why we introduce the TIMETOACT Logistics Simulator Framework, a revolutionary tool for creating a digital twin of your logistics operation.

Felix KrauseBlog

Boosting speed of scikit-learn regression algorithms

The purpose of this blog post is to investigate the performance and prediction speed behavior of popular regression algorithms, i.e. models that predict numerical values based on a set of input variables.

Christian FolieBlog

Designing and Running a Workshop series: The board

In this part, we discuss the basic design of the Miro board, which will aid in conducting the workshops.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Learning + Sharing at TIMETOACT GROUP Austria

Discover how we fosters continuous learning and sharing among employees, encouraging growth and collaboration through dedicated time for skill development.


Decision Automation

Companies today are faced with the challenge of making increasingly complex decisions in a shorter time frame in order to remain competitive and act in a customer-oriented manner. At the same time, they have a wealth of data at their disposal that can potentially provide valuable insights, but is often difficult to analyze and use. Decision automation is an approach that aims to combine human intelligence with machine algorithms to support or automate better and faster decisions.


Software, Mobile and Web App Development

Standard software often cannot completely fulfill a company's own requirements - TIMETOACT therefore develops customized software solutions.

Sebastian BelczykBlog

Building a micro frontend consuming a design system | Part 3

In this blopgpost, you will learn how to create a react application that consumes a design system.

Daniel PuchnerBlog

How to gather data from Miro

Learn how to gather data from Miro boards with this step-by-step guide. Streamline your data collection for deeper insights.

Sebastian BelczykBlog

Building and Publishing Design Systems | Part 2

Learn how to build and publish design systems effectively. Discover best practices for creating reusable components and enhancing UI consistency.

Headerbild zu Operationalisierung von Data Science (MLOps)

Operationalization of Data Science (MLOps)

Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support almost any business process based on facts. Many companies are in the phase of professional assessment of the algorithms and technical testing of the respective technologies.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Consistency and Aggregates in Event Sourcing

Learn how we ensures data consistency in event sourcing with effective use of aggregates, enhancing system reliability and performance.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 8

Discover Units of Measure and Type Providers in F#. Enhance data management and type safety in your applications with these powerful tools.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 9

Explore Active Patterns and Computation Expressions in F#. Enhance code clarity and functionality with these advanced techniques.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 5

Master F# asynchronous workflows and parallelism. Enhance application performance with advanced functional programming techniques.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 10

Discover Agents and Mailboxes in F#. Build responsive applications using these powerful concurrency tools in functional programming.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 6

Learn error handling in F# with option types. Improve code reliability using F#'s powerful error-handling techniques.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 11

Learn type inference and generic functions in F#. Boost efficiency and flexibility in your code with these essential programming concepts.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F#

Dive into functional programming with F# in our introductory series. Learn how to solve real business problems using F#'s functional programming features. This first part covers setting up your environment, basic F# syntax, and implementing a simple use case. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their skills in functional programming.

Peter SzarvasPeter SzarvasBlog

Why Was Our Project Successful: Coincidence or Blueprint?

“The project exceeded all expectations,” is one among our favourite samples of the very positive feedback from our client. Here's how we did it!

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 7

Explore LINQ and query expressions in F#. Simplify data manipulation and enhance your functional programming skills with this guide.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 4

Unlock F# collections and pipelines. Manage data efficiently and streamline your functional programming workflow with these powerful tools.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 12

Explore reflection and meta-programming in F#. Learn how to dynamically manipulate code and enhance flexibility with advanced techniques.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Partial Function Application in F#

Partial Function Application is one of the core functional programming concepts that everyone should understand as it is widely used in most F# codebases.In this post I will introduce you to the grace and power of partial application. We will start with tupled arguments that most devs will recognise and then move onto curried arguments that allow us to use partial application.

Christian FolieBlog

Designing and Running a Workshop series: An outline

Learn how to design and execute impactful workshops. Discover tips, strategies, and a step-by-step outline for a successful workshop series.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 3

Dive into F# data structures and pattern matching. Simplify code and enhance functionality with these powerful features.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F# – Part 2

Explore functions, types, and modules in F#. Enhance your skills with practical examples and insights in this detailed guide.

Bernhard SchauerBlog

Isolating legacy code with ArchUnit tests

Clear boundaries in code are important ... and hard. ArchUnit allows you to capture the structure your team agreed on in tests.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Introduction to Web Programming in F# with Giraffe – Part 2

In this series we are investigating web programming with Giraffe and the Giraffe View Engine plus a few other useful F# libraries.

Ian RussellIan RussellBlog

Using Discriminated Union Labelled Fields

A few weeks ago, I re-discovered labelled fields in discriminated unions. Despite the fact that they look like tuples, they are not.